The Order of Potatoes
Prinzessinnengarten, Berlin, Germany
Summer of 2010 onwards
During the farming season of 2010 a range of different heirloom potato varieties were planted, grown, harvested, cooked and finally eaten, with the help of a large number of participants, in the mobile community garden Prinzessinnengarten in Berlin.
The varieties were Mehlige Mühlviertler, Congo, Vitelotte, Æggeblomme, Rosa Tannenzapfen, Bamberger Hörnchen, Highland Burgundy, King Edward, Arran Victory, Lapin Puikula, Adretta, Asparges, Linda and Rote Emma. Along with information on each variety, a chronological narrative was presented on signs by the plantation.
The Order of Potatoes folder >>
Collaborators in the garden:
Marco Clausen, Bennar Markus, Robert Shaw and many volunteers.

Photography by Åsa Sonjasdotter